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How old was Kobe Bryant when he retired? Finding out more

Kobe Bryant was 37 years old when he played his last NBA game against the Utah Jazz on April 13, 2016. Age and injuries were already slowing down one of the league's best and most competitive players two years before his 20th and final season.

After playing just 41 games combined across the previous two years, Bryant was already up to 65 before his last game during the 2015-16 season. The 66th proved to be one of the most iconic in sports history.

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The LA Lakers were only 16-65 heading into their game against the Jazz. Los Angeles had the worst record in the Western Conference that year by a wide margin. They were seven games behind the Phoenix Suns 23-59 as they were about to face Utah for Bryant’s final NBA game.

The popular belief back then was that most fans hoped he would get 30 points regardless of whether the Lakers won or lose. Kobe Bryant struggled right off the bat, missing his first five shots. The visibly frustrated Kobe, who probably wanted to put on a show for the last time, eventually settled into a rhythm.

Bryant finished with 22 first-half points, putting him a little below the 30 points the fans were rooting for him to hit. The Utah Jazz, though, wasn’t going to make it easy for the LA Lakers to celebrate the iconic guard’s night. Utah led 57-42 after the first 24 minutes of the game despite Bryant’s explosive first half.

Kobe Bryant built a career behind his indomitable will to battle in every game. On that memorable night, he just refused to allow the Lakers to lose by going on a scoring binge. He already had 40 points with 10 minutes left in the game. Notably, Bryant hadn’t hit that figure over the last two years.

The “Black Mamba” then scored 23 points in the fourth quarter, including 15 straight that had the old Staples Center crowd on its feet.

All in all, he hit 22-50 shots, including 6-21 from behind the arc. Kobe Bryant also nailed several crucial free throws to bring his total to a mind-boggling 60 points. He played a game-high 42 minutes and reminded basketball fans of his glory days.

No one wanted Kobe Bryant to pass the ball to a teammate

Kobe Bryant, unfairly or not, received a ton of criticism during his playing days for often forcing shots. He would rather shoot out of a double team instead of passing the ball to an open teammate.

Shaquille O’Neal, arguably his greatest teammate, would reveal later that it was one aspect of Bryant’s game that often got them into arguments.

Against the Utah Jazz that night, nobody wanted him to pass the ball. It was one of the biggest reasons why he shot a career-high 50 field-goal attempts. They all wanted him to shoot as many as he can put up.

The irony wasn’t lost on the "Black Mamba". After the game, he said this to reporters:

"The thing that had me cracking up all night long is, I go through 20 years of everybody screaming to pass the ball. And then the last night, they're like, ‘Don't pass it!’”

On January 26, 2020, Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others tragically died in a helicopter crash. The basketball world came together to mourn his passing and those involved in the game continue to remember his legacy forever.

Also read: What were Kobe Bryant's last words before his untimely death? Exploring LA Lakers superstar's final moments

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